
Check out our free Buyer’s Guide and learn how low or fluctuating humidity can negatively affect cleanroom facilities.
Maintaining controlled environmental conditions in cleanrooms and laboratories is critical for success. However, the high rate of air changes needed to control the air quality and keep these areas sterile can cause fluctuations in relative humidity (RH), which in turn causes problems with equipment, chemicals, and measurements.
Static electricity discharges caused by low or fluctuating RH levels can damage valuable equipment and disrupt critical processes. When organic and inorganic chemicals absorb and release moisture from the air, the result can be unwanted chemical reactions and changes to the chemicals. Other materials are often affected by low humidity levels and RH fluctuations as well, making precise dimensional measurements difficult.
DriSteem humidification systems are an essential part of the clinical laboratory HVAC system to provide protection against the issues caused by fluctuating and low relative humidity levels.
Buyer’s Guide: Humidification for Cleanrooms
Learn more about how issues caused by low or fluctuating humidity levels can negatively affect a cleanroom, creating the potential for inaccurate results and reducing the life span of expensive equipment.
Case Studies
- GTS® Gas-to-steam humidifier saves 64% on utility bills
- Boston Scientific reduced energy and maintenance costs with DriSteem humidifiers
Next steps
Contact your local DriSteem representative to learn more about humidity control for cleanrooms. Use the Find a Rep tool below to find your nearest representative.
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Already using humidity control to protect cleanrooms?
For best performance and highest efficiency, existing humidification systems should be checked to determine if any replacement parts are needed, if any other maintenance needs to be performed, and whether there is a software update available. Contact your local DriSteem representative to learn more.